A wonderful place with wonderful people
Last but not least, the Folkwang University of the Arts is special on account of its unique historic buildings and the many special people who have always been – and still are – here: Pina Bausch (dancer and choreographer), Armin Rohde and Caroline Eichhorn (actors), Frank Peter Zimmermann (violinist), Lothar Zagrosek (conductor), Hagen Rether (cabaret artist), Timm Rautert (photographer) to name just a few, did their study at the Folkwang. A whole array of important cultural, scholarly and creative pathways has been forged here. And every single day new highlights are being reached – in terms of aesthetics, content and setting cultural directions for the whole region and the international scene.

OCTOBER 01-04 2020
MAY 30-JUNE 02 2019
Festival Querwind
masterclass and concert
with Prof. Pirmin Grehl and Prof. Jürgen Franz ao
BDB-Musicacademy Staufen (close to Freiburg i.Br.)
SEPTEMBER 11-15 2019
Bluval Festival Straubing
Soloconcerts, chambermusic and masterclass
with Prof. Ingolf Turban, Prof. Gerold Huber ao
Information and application:
JULY 01-06 2019
April 12-14 2019
Talent Music Summer Courses and Festival
masterclass and concert
Brescia, Italy
JULY 23-31 2019
Musicalta Festival and Music Academy
Campus du LEGTA, 68250 Rouffach, France